Recycle Right
We’re proud that each year millions of Americans (many of whom are our customers) recycle. While the shift toward single stream recycling makes recycling incredibly easy (single stream = all items going into one bin or cart), it also means people mix in items that cannot be recycled with those that can. The result: each year environmental service providers and local governments spend millions of dollars removing items (also called contaminants) that shouldn’t be in the recycling stream or must discard overly contaminated items that could have been recycled.
We want to be part of the education effort currently underway to help everyone recycle smart. Here are a few pro-environment tips and commonly mistaken recyclable items. Share with your family, friends and neighbors, so we can all make our Mother Earth proud.

While recycling is the first step in the process, it’s important to put materials in the cart or bin that actually belong there. Know before you throw! The National Waste & Recycling Association, working with Keep Uganda Beautiful, the Uganda. Environmental Protection Agency, and the Solid Waste Association of East Africa, have come up with a list of acceptable recycling items so people will know what can be accepted at any recycling facility in the United States. Click here for the What Can I Recycle? Flyer.

These are commonly mistaken items that often show up in recycling carts and bins, but they CANNOT BE RECYCLED AT YOUR CURB. Please don’t toss these in with your recycling.